Next week I will go from Mexico to Cuba, where I will take part in the "Welfare research seminar" organized by Universidad de la Habana and University of Stavanger, and hosted by UH (January 24-25th). The seminar will take place in UNESCO Cathedra at Faculty of Philosophy and History.
On January 24th, I have been scheduled to take part in the introductory panel "Welfare and Social work in Cuba - starting points for a comparison", along with Osnaide Izquierdo, Teresa Muñoz, Angela Peña, Dayané Proenza and Roberto Dávalos. In the panel will present my paper "Prosperity and welfare - a comparison of Brazil, Cuba and Norway".
On January 25th, I will take part in Work session III "Welfare research in collaborative perspective", in two rounds - first, summing up common themes from presentations and discussions, and then presenting prospective plans for a special issue of Journal of comparative social work. Both these issues will be addresses by Angela Peña, Siv Oltedal, Sarah Hean and myself.