Today I have taught for 5 hours in "Health care ethics and philosophy of science" at University of Stavanger´s Faculty of health sciences, in the master Pre-hospital critical care. I gave an introduction to philosophy of science. The plan was to go on for 6 hours, but the students thought 5 hours was enough.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
6 hours of teaching
Today I have taught for the first 6 hours in "Health care ethics and philosophy of science" (MPH130), for Department of health studies. Today´s topic was introduction to ethics.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Christmas dinner event with MEES
On November 17th I stopped by at the Christmas dinner event for the students in Master of Energy, Environment and Society (MEES) at University of Stavanger, with my three kids and soon thereafter my wife.
Annual meeting of Minding Animals Norway held
On November 20th, the annual meeting of Minding Animals Norway was held at Domus Nova in Oslo. The meeting approved report of activities for the last year and plans for the next, plus budget. Financial report for the last year was presented, but not treated conclusively due to a mismatch between sums for assets last year on one hand and surplus plus assets by the time of the meeting on the other. Also, despite having 5 candidates for board posisions, election to the board was postponed. This means there will have to be an extraordinary general meeting, once again.
Monday, 27 November 2017
Minding Animals research seminar 2017 held; wolf ethics talk given
In the evening of Monday November 20th, I co-organized and presented at the annual research seminar of Minding Animals Norway. About 20 people attended. While my presentation was entitled "Merket for livet - Etiske spørsmål knyttet til forvaltning av og forskning på ulv" (a redo of my presentation at Vargsymposiet 2016), the research seminar also featured:
- Norun Pernell Haugen: "Lidelsen vi ikke ser - hvordan vi kategoriserer dyrs lidelse for å skjule den for oss selv"
- Martin Lee Müller: "Being salmon, being human"
- Kevin Hermansen: "Dyrepoliti i Norge og Sverige"
Meeting in Council for Animal Ethics attended
On Monday 20th of November, I took part, for the first time, in a meeting of Norway´s Council for Animal Ethics, at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute in Oslo, as the representative for animal protection NGOs. The meeting lasted all day, and included topics such as research ethics guidelines for animal experimentation, large carnivore management (raised by me), and welfare issues in industrial aquaculture.
Friday, 24 November 2017
6th Norwegian Animal Ethics Conference held and chaired
Tuesday this week I co-organized, and chaired, the 6th Norwegian Animal Ethics Conference (Dyreetikkonferansen), which this year was devoted to the topic "Ulv, ulv! Hva er ulvens plass i dagens Norge?" [Wolf, wolf! What is the place of the wolf in contemporary Norway?]. Some 80 people attended. The conference took place at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, and was arranged by Minding Animals Norway and Norway´s Council for animal ethics.
Animal vision research application submitted
Wednesday, to days ago, a SAMKUL application titled "Animal Vision: Looking at/as Animals" was submitted by University of Stavanger with Finn Arne Jørgensen as prospective Project Manager and me as one of the involved researchers, with a 10% position. My participation would concern Work Package 2, "Looking as animals".
Google Scholar: 244 citations; h-10 index of 7
According to my Google Scholar profile, my academic work has now been cited 244 times (+16 since my November 7th count). Of these, 44 are from 2017 (+15), versus 46 from 2015 (+1) and 58 from 2016. My h-index remains 8 (see October post), meaning that 8 of my papers have been cited at least 8 times. My h10-index is now 7, up from 6 which it has been since August. My 7th text to reach 10 citations is "Outline of an Uexküllian bio-ontology" (2001), my very first academic publication.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
MEE140 exam prep session
Yesterday, with a colleague, I had a 1-hour exam prep and summary session with students in "Philosophy of science and research methods".
Welfare research - program area application
This week an application for a 1 year renewal of the program area for research in welfare services, headed by Siv Oltedal, was submitted at University of Stavanger, with me (recently) included as one of the researchers.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Wolf chronicle composed
I have just sent a chronicle, (somewhat) co-written with Lars Lenth and Petter Bøckman, to Aftenposten, entitled "Vi må snakke om ulven" [Ww have to talk about the wolf].
Monday morning I got my copy of our book Ulvetider - rovdyret som splitter Norge [Time of the wolf - the predator that splits Norway].
Sunday, 19 November 2017
MEE140 exam questions composed
The last few days, with a colleague, I have composed exam questions for the home exam in MEE140 (Philosophy of science and research methods).
Search image paper online with coccected proofs
My paper "The search image as link between sensation, perception and action", published in BioSystems November 4th, is now available online with corrected proofs.
"Existential universals" published
My article "Existential universals: Biosemiosis and existential semiosis" has just been published in no. 4, 2017 of Chinese Semiotic Studies, in the section "Biosemiotics and philosophy of science" (along with a paper by the late Eliseo Fernández).
Tønnessen, Morten 2017i. Existential universals: Biosemiosis and existential semiosis. Chinese Semiotic Studies 13(4): 381–398. Published online November 16th 2017. DOI:
Friday, 17 November 2017
Home exam questions composed
Today, with input and feedback from a colleague, I have composed home exam questions for Ex.Phil.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
10 hours of teaching in Ex.Phil.
I have given an Ex.Phil. seminar today, and one yesterday, plus two Monday, when I also gave the 12th lecture. This concludes my teaching in Ex.Phil. this autumn. This week´s teaching included summary, course in academic writing, and trial Multiple Choice exam.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Chronicle on ethics of wolf issue
This weekend I drafted the chronicle "Et etisk blikk på ulvesaken" [An ethical look at the wolf issue], co-authored with Kristian Ellingsen-Dalskau, secretary of Norway´s Council for animal ethics. I sign as chair of Minding Animals Norway. Forthcoming in the daily Nationen.
Monday, 13 November 2017
MC exam questions composed
Today I have composed exam questions for the Multiple Choice exam next Monday in Department of social studies´ Examen Philosophicum.
Friday, 10 November 2017
Search image paper proof-read
I have just proof-read my article "The search image as link between sensation, perception and action", to appear in BioSystems as part of a special issue on code biology.
code biology,
search image,
special issue
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Meeting with deans and fellow philosophers
I have just been to a meeting with two fellow UiS philosophers and the deans of Faculty of social sciences and Faculty of education and humanities, as a follow-up to our document sent this Spring on the organization of the philosophers and (mainly) our teaching offer.
Master students´ research seminar attended
Today I have attended parts of the master students´ research seminar at Department of social studies, including the presentation of the plans for the master thesis of Linn Tjøtta, whom I am supervising.
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Search image paper already available online
My article "The search image as link between sensation, perception and action" has now been published online in a pre-proof version.
Tønnessen, Morten 2017. The search image as link between sensation, perception and action. DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2017.10.016. First available online November 4th 2017.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
3 hours of teaching and presentation at MEES & Spire event "Understanding Arctic Oil"
Today I have been teaching for 3 hours for the MEES class, and taken part at an open event organized by the MEES linjeforening and the NGO Spire, "Understanding Arctic Oil". This was a great event, and featured presentations by myself ("University politics, academic activism and vested interests") plus three others, including Oluf Langhelle. Perhaps 80 people attended.
My 3 hours of teaching in "Philosophy of science and research methods" - one hour with teacher presentations on biosemiotics and zoosemiotics, and 2 hours of student presentations on similar themes - concludes the teaching of this course.
228 Google Scholar citations
According to my verified profile at Google Scholar, I have now been cited 228 times. This is up 16 from the October 10th count. This includes 45 citations in 2015, 58 in 2016 and 29 in 2017.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Philosophers meeting
Today I attended a meeting with some of the UiS philosophers in preparation of our meeting with the deans of Faculty of social sciences and Faculty of education and humanities later this week.
11th lecture - on tacit knowledge
Today I gave the 11th Ex. Phil. lecture this autumn. The topic was Michael Polanyi´s thoughts on tacit knowledge.
Friday, 3 November 2017
Course description revisions
The last week or so I have carried out minor revisions of three course descriptions valid for the academic year 2018-19.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Juha Ojala joins NASS board
Juha Ojala, professor of music education, has joined the board of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies as Supplementary Representative for Finland - see full board at our webpage.
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
20th Ex.Phil. seminar, 14 hours teaching this week
Today I gave the fourth Ex.Phil. seminar this week. This concludes this week´s 14 hours of teaching, and 20 out of 24 Ex.Phil. seminars this semester.
Fourth and last research methods seminar for MEES
Today I have given the fourth seminar in research methods for the MEES class.
research methods,
Search image article accepted for publication in BioSystems
I have been notified that my article "The search image as link between sensation, perception and action" has been accepted for publication in BioSystems´ special issue in code biology.
In the round of revisions, I made this figure illustrating the workings of search images, on request by a peer-reviewer:
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