Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Talk on official and unofficial predator management advertised

The one-woman company "Natur, Utvikling og Design", run by Lisbet Baklid, has released an invitation to its annual conference on large carnivores and grazing animals (to be arranged at Hamar, Norway, Oct 31 - Nov 1), where I will be giving the talk "Offisiell og 'uoffisiell' rovviltforvaltning i Norge sett med et humanøkologisk blikk - Hva er motivene og handlingene?" [Official and "unofficial" predator management in Norway, as seen in a human ecology perspective - What are the motives and actions?]".

My talk is one of six advertised in the 3 pp invitation. Other speakers include John Linnell and Petter Wabakken.

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