Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Attestation review completed - 4th year attested positively

Today at 2.50 p.m. Estonian time I was scheduled to be treated by the attestation review committee at the Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, and I received a phone call through Skype a bit earlier. For 10 minutes I reported about the last academic year, and answered a few questions from the committee and its head Timo Maran. My supervisor Kalevi Kull expressed concern for me health (last week I received alarming news about a new possible chronic diagnosis, related to Morbus Crohns, which I already have - I am currently being tested for this new diagnosis), and asked me not to work too much, and to make sure to have some rest as well. Since I have published substantially this last academic year (cf. also a post on my progress report), I could easily deliver a collection of articles, and focus on writing an introduction. My plan, however, remains to submit a monograph. Asked why by the committee, I replied that I am still developing ideas of substance that have not been expressed in my shorter publications.

A couple of hours later I received an email from the secretary of the department, Ulvi Urm, with the news that all 15 PhD students up for review have been attested positively.

The only thing that remains, then, before I can apply for doctoral degree (hopefully early September), is to finish my dissertation.

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