Friday, 1 July 2011

Fifth semioethics interview: With Augusto Ponzio and Susan Petrilli

After 4 years of waiting since we scheduled to conduct an interview back in 2007, at the Helsinki/Imatra world congress of semiotics, I finally got my interview with Susan Petrilli - and Augusto Ponzio - on semioethics. The interview, which was recorded, took place in New York City, where we were all attending the 11th gathering in biosemiotics, on June 24th. It will be transcribed by me, the interviewer, and then edited in cooperation with the interviewees. It is not yet clear to what journal we will submit it.

I have previously, in 2009, conducted four interviews on semioethics with John Deely, two of which have been published as of today.

The audio recording with Ponzio and Petrilli is about 70 minutes long.

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