Monday, 11 July 2011

"Perception and the levels of biosemiosis" to appear in print?

The main organizer of the 7th conference of the Nordic association for semiotic studies, Göran Sonesson, has announced that there will indeed be conference proceedings. Deadline for submissions has been set to October 24th.

At present, we have two offers for printing the acts of the conference, both unsolicited: from Benjamins, and from Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Both offers involve a selection of papers, from a somewhat different perspective. If the impression we had during the conference is borne out, there were so many good papers, that we might consider accepting both proposals.

As suggested earlier, we can always make a complete publication of the acts on the web, if the papers received stand up to the quality expected.

My paper "Perception and the levels of biosemiosis", then, will likely appear in print, one form or another.

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