Sunday 17 November 2013

Book review of "Hvem er villest..." in ARR, journal of history of ideas

There is a book review of the Norwegian Human-Animal Studies anthology "Hvem er villest i landet her? Råskap mot dyr og natur i antropocen, menneskets tidsalder [Who is wildest in this country here? Brutality towards animals and nature in the Anthropocene, the age of Man]" in the latest issue of the Norwegian academic journal ARR - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift [... journal of history of ideas], no. 4/2013, on pages 152-155. The review is written by Espen Schaanning and entitled "Dyrs verdi" [The value of animals]. The book review is generally positive, with some exceptions - for instance that Schaanning is critical to the title of the book.

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