Wednesday 7 February 2024

"Wasted GDP in the USA" referenced in Mongabay news story and podcast; and South Africa Today

My article "Wasted GDP in the USA" is referenced in the news story "Can ‘degrowth’ solve our ecological, social & economic problems?" by Mike DiGirolamo and Rachel Donald which was published on the international environmental issues news site Mongabay on January 30th, along with a podcast featuring economist Timothée Parrique, who is currently based at Lund University, Sweden. In the podcast, Timothée talks about my research around 18m30s - 21m40s, and later on, around 59m - 1h05m, Mike and Rachel discuss it.

The Mongabay article has been republished by South Africa Today on February 2nd.


Recent research indicates that the United States wastes 65% of its economic output on things that do not provide essential or quality-of-life needs, bolstering the argument that the economy could be strongly scaled back to decrease its impact on the environment. 

Research published in the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications finds that just in the United States, trillions of dollars are wasted on things that do not improve the quality of life for Americans. Podcast guest Timothée Parrique, an economist and researcher at the Lund University School of Economics and Management, argues this is strong evidence that the United States (and other wealthy, industrialized nations) could significantly scale back production and consumption, thereby decreasing their impact on the planet’s stretched ecological limits — the Planetary Boundaries — allowing low- and middle-income nations the latitude they need to raise their standards of living.

My article "Wasted GDP in the USA" has now been referred to in media based in the USA, Spain, and South Africa, in addition to Mongabay.

See also:

News story on "Wasted GDP in the USA" article in Spanish online newspaper La Politica Online

"Wasted GDP in the USA" mentioned in Counterpunch news story 

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