Sunday 14 July 2013

Reference to two of my publications in Larsen's chapter on anthropocentrism in food production

Two of my academic publications are referred to in Guri Larsen's book chapter on anthropocentrism in food production in the recently published Norwegian Human-Animal Studies anthology. Reference to Guri's article:
Larsen, Guri 2013. Matens urettferdighet: Matproduksjonens antroposentriske system [Food’s injustice: The anthropocentric system of food production]. In: Ragnhild Sollund, Morten Tønnessen and Guri Larsen (eds), Hvem er villest i landet her: Råskap mot dyr og natur i antropocen, menneskets tidsalder [Who is wildest in this country here? Brutality towards animals and nature in the Anthropocene, the age of Man]. Oslo: Spartacus Forlag/Scandinavian Academic Press, 185-203.
The reference is on page 186, and is to my chapter in the same book "Menneskeveldet" [The human empire] plus to my 2010 article "The global species" (New formations 69: 98-110). Excerpt (my translation):
Within an interdisciplinary field of research, human ecology, nature and culture is sought synthesised in the study of humans' collective interaction with nature. Here, a humane ecosystem is considered as a demographic answer to the need to restore a functioning relation to nature (Tønnessen 2010, see also Tønnessen's chapter).

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