Tuesday 23 April 2013

Another round with Norwegian bureaucracy

After receiving an acceptance letter from NAV, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, with regard to my application for parental leave, some three weeks ago, another letter awaited me as I returned from the NoSP conference in Copenhagen. NAV now claims that either me or my wife still has the right for a number of days of parental leave, beyond what we have already applied for. They furthermore ask me to confirm that I will have the parental leave that they accepted in the letter as of three weeks ago - and - even though they have confirmed in writing that this was all settled now - whether or not my wife will have 20 % or 0 % in the periods that I take my parental leave.

Given that I'm tired of being annoyed with NAV, and that they have previously confirmed our original applications in writing, I choose this time to not regard this as a problem. We will likely reply that if we do indeed have the right to further parental leave, I will take that leftover leave in early 2014 (when I'll only have a 25 % contract).

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