Friday 20 August 2021

Google Scholar: 581 citations, 82 in 2021; h-index 15

According to Google Scholar (cf. my profile) my research has attracted 581 citations (+8 since August 8th), including 82 in 2021 (+8 since August 8th). So far 2021 is my second best year in terms of number of citations (the only better year was 2016, with 86 citations). 

My i10-index remains 22 and my h-index is now 15 (+2 since August 8th), meaning that 15 of my publications have been cited at least 15 times each. The most recent of these is "The ethics of laying hen genetics", which appeared online in 2019 and in print in 2020, and has attracted 16 citations to date. It has 8.300 accesses (views/downloads).

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