Saturday 4 May 2013

Reference to "Umwelt transitions" in Mexican philosophy journal

My 2009 article "Umwelt transitions: Uexküll and environmental change", published in the journal Biosemiotics in 2009, is referred to in the following article by Víctor Castillo Morquecho:
Morquecho, Víctor Castillo 2012. Orden, limites y transgression. Reflexiones en torno a la obra de Jakob von Uexküll [pp. 96, 106, 110, Tønnessen 2009b pp. 49, 58]. Signos Filosóficos vol. XIV, núm. 28 (julio-diciembre): 91-111.
The journal Signos Filosóficos is published by the Department of Philosophy at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, located in Iztapalapa, a borough in Mexico City.

Quote, p. 96 (footnote 9):
En este punto es preciso aclarar que, a diferencia de Kant, Uexküll pone entre interrogantes la posibilidad de una realidad fenoménica: “While Kant established that reality has a phenomenological character, Uexküll added that this reality is not purely human, enveloping, as it does, a vast and diverse realm of phenomena of which but a fragment is exclusively human. Further, according to Uexküll, man is not pure mind, but a corporeal reality or an embodied mind, which is in its turn indistinguishable from the phenomenal world it carries with it, and without which its bodily performance would make no sense” (Tønnessen, 2009: 58).
Quote, p. 106 (footnote 21):
Desde una perspectiva macroevolutiva, dice Tønnessen, invocar una crisis ambiental es invocar un cierto cambio (adverso): “Among the forerunners of the current global U[n]welt transition we find the five mass extinctions following the Cambrian explosion, known as The Big Five[s]. During these global events, what rule the day was curtailed and unfulfilled duets of nature or, as we might say ‘dissonances’ in the symphony of nature” (2009: 49).

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