Monday 13 May 2024

Google Scholar: 1.134 citations; 72 so far in 2024; first "Wasted GDP in the USA" citation

According to Google scholar (cf. my profile) my research has now attracted 1.134 citations (+34 since April 22nd). This includes 72 citations in 2024 (+31 since April 22nd). My h-index remains 19 and my i10-index 37.

Recent citations include the very first for my article "Wasted GDP in the USA", which is cited in the technical report "Climate Change and Productivity: Exploring the Links" released by The Productivity Institute and authored by Dirk Pilat. According to Google´s metrics, 79 of my texts have been cited, and "Wasted GDP in the USA" now ranks as #69 (i.e., my 69th most cited paper) along with ten more papers.

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