Thursday, 25 March 2010
"Mapping human impact" considered unsuitable
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Abstract for "The global species"
AbstractThe phenomenon of colonialism is in this article treated with reference to our stepwise establishment throughout history of something akin to a global colonial organism. The concept of ‘global species’, which is introduced for the first time, applies not only to the human species but furthermore to several of our affiliated species. Due to disparity in ecological and climatic conditions, global presence may never before have been a typical characteristic of dominating species – but it is today. Humankind’s successful proliferation and dispersal has facilitated the global spread of everything from livestock and crop species to pets and certain bugs, at the expense of wildlife. Though humankind is in this article for the most part taken to be one entity, the author does in no way claim that all cultures are the same, or that we are destined to go on in the same way as we have started out. The word “we”, however, is empathised – as a prerequisite for a truly global awareness and sense of responsibility. What this article suggests, is simply that the global colonial organism we have established is the proper real-life framework for any discussion of the ecological performance of specific cultures and societies.
KeywordsBiosemiotics, Capitalism, Crop species, Global colonial organism, Global culture, Global species, Globalisation, Land use, Livestock, Pets
Academic news in brief V: Group dialogue, editing, and a climate movie
Academic news in brief IV: Group dialogue, networking, and two talks
Zoosemiotic research seminar April 2nd
Tööseminar “zoosemiootika ja loomade representatsioonid” Research seminar in zoosemiotics and animal representations
Tartu, Tiigi 78-324
2.04.2010, 10.00-16.00
10.15 Coffee and introductory words
10.30 Morten Tønnessen. Territory vs. confinement - the Umwelten of free-range vs. captive wolves
11.00 Nelly Mäekivi. Zoological garden as a semiotic environment
11.30 Teevi Subert. Sümboliline kommunikatsioon
12.00 Silver Rattasepp. The changeable and the unchangeable, or how practice becomes metaphysics
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 Timo Maran. Analyzing Th. A. Sebeok’s bibliography: initial results, problems and perspectives
14.30 Elena Grigorjeva. XX XY Indication of the chromosome
15.00 Lona Päll. Vabaduse ökosemiootiline käsitlus Kaplinski “Lahkujate” põhjal
15.30 Kadri Tüür. Birds and herrings: the Estonian tradition of maritime travel literature
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Morten Tønnessen, Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Bear pics
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Tartu brochure online
Friday, 12 March 2010
"We the living" accepted for presentation
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
6 more wolf videos - now up-close
And the wolves they are a-fighting
The king of the hill
Wolf kisses
Feeding the wolves of Polar Zoo
Scary animals I met in Polar Zoo
Two times he faked an attack at us - first by leaping ahead and stamping with his front feet, and then, after a few minutes, by "running towards us" - for 1 meter. It did the trick for me - I felt scared (although I was well aware that these were only early warning signals). I wouldn't want to run into this fellow unprotected on a plain.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Wolf pics 1
Wolf videos

Here's five videos I have recorded today, during my research visit to Polar Zoo:
Ylva the wolf wants to play fight
Howling to the wolves of Polar Zoo
Howling with the wolves in Polar Zoo
Wolves coming to join us in Polar Zoo
Wolves take off
Monday, 8 March 2010
Up North
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Semiotics of Perception progressing
Topic for zoosemiotic seminar
Tomorrow I'm flying North, to Polar Zoo, to spend three days there.Territory vs. confinement - the Umwelten of free-range vs. captive wolves
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Festschrift to be published in June
Summer Symposium on Sustainable Systems
The aim of the symposium is to bring together motivated researchers and high level keynote speakers with an interest in interdisciplinary systemic approaches to complex issues under the theme of closed-loop sustainable material systems.
Harmonizing Policy, Technology, Product Design and Resource Management