In the long run, nothing else is realistic.
Welcome to the English language blog of Morten Tønnessen, Professor of philosophy at University of Stavanger's Department of Social Studies.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Annotated bibliography, 3rd quarter
As part of a 4-times-a-year report I am conducting as a researcher in one of the research projects I am partaking in, I write a Selected Annotated Bibliography. Here's my annotated bibliography for the last three months.
Douglas W. MacCLEERY: American forests: A history of resilience and recovery. Forest History Society, 1992. This publication offers a lot of interesting statistics and facts not only since 1930 or so, when the proportion of US land that is forested has generally been stable, after 300 years of deforestation, but also concerning times as far back as to year 1600 (even native indigenous forestry practices are briefly described). The last century several wildlife species have recovered, not least due to the gradual introduction of conservation measures. In conclusion, this work is a helpful source of references and thoroughly examines the full implications of different attitudes to forests and utilization of forest products. Though the situation of Norwegian forests is not identical with the American situation, this book nevertheless provides useful knowledge about the interconnections of conservation efforts and forestry practices/land use.
The Norwegian daily Nationen [The nation], Mon 31st of August – Wed 9th of September. The latest national election in Norway took place September 14th. For 10 days close to the conclusion of the election, I followed Nationen, Norway’s only national daily devoted to matters of agriculture and rural policies. Every day in this period there were articles etc. about carnivore policy;about half of the editions one of them featured on the front page. In many rural areas, wolf and carnivore policy turned out to become one of the defining topics of the electoral campaign, though only 3 parties (Senterpartiet, Fremskrittspartiet and Sosialistisk Venstreparti) talked much about it. For the first time the populist right-wing party Fremskrittspartiet competed seriously for the anti-wolf votes – though Senterpartiet, traditionally the farmers’ party, still dominated the discourse. The carnivore policy for 2009-2013 is now up for negotiations within the re-elected coalition government, which consists of Arbeiderpartiet (the social democrats), Senterpartiet and Sosialistisk Venstreparti (a left-wing party which supports wolf conservation).
Paolo VIRNO: Natural-historical diagrams: The ‘new global’ movement and the biological invariant. Pp. 131-147 inThe Italian difference: Between nihilism and biopolitics (eds. Lorenzo Chiesa and Alberto Toscano), Melbourne 2009: re.press. Translated from Italian by Alberto Toscano. Virno’s notion of the natural-historical diagrams of human nature refers to “concrete phenomena, socio-political states of affairs, historical events.” He thus offers an empirical (or emergent) notion of human nature – which can be of interest in the context of my depicting of a natural history of the phenomenal world. Crucial in Virno’s observations is that ‘human nature’ as we know it places us as an “indefinite animal”, an animal without any definitive natural environment. This, he claims, explains our ‘instability’ as a species, and our constant urge for further modifications of the environment. It would be interesting to integrate and try to develop some of his main points in my own work.
Wendy WHEELER: The Whole Creature: Complexity, Biosemiotics and the Evolution of Culture. London 2006: Lawrence & Wishart. In this valuable book, Wheeler outlines some connections between biosemiotics and other complexity science on the one hand and politics and cultural theory on the other. In the context of my work Wheeler’s book represents an important step toward a proper understanding of the cultural implications of competing scientific outlooks and worldviews. While Wheeler on some points simplifies the connections between ‘capitalism’ and mainstream science, her portrayal of the cultural and ethical (and political) implications of a world view of biosemiotic relationism rather than one of capitalist atomism/individualism is in the main informative and telling. The main message – which I do subscribe to – is that human beings are social (and ecological) creatures which can not thrive – or correctly be described on a theoretical level – as isolated individuals. Her stress of the social and ecological aspects of cultural life bears implications not least for economic thought.
Associate professor in philosophy (25% > 100% > 20% > 100% > 25% > 35% > 10%) at University of Stavanger's Department of Health Studies 2012-2016
Associate professor in philosophy (50% > 70% > 50%) at University of Stavanger's Department of Social Studies August 2014 - July 2016
Awarded "Outstanding young researchers" stipend 2017 (University of Stavanger)
Chair of local organising committee of 2015 conference by "Animals in changing environments: Cultural mediation and semiotic analysis", main organizer of the Tartu workshops on the semiotics/phenomenology of perception (Feb. 2009), co-organizer of the international conference "Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations" (April 2011), co-founder of the annual Norwegian animal ethics conference (2012-)
Chair of Minding Animals Norway (2011-2018), President of Nordic association for Semiotic Studies (2017-2023) and Secretary 2011-2017 and 2023-, member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS) representing Norway (2014-) and the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) (2011-)
Chair of steering group for Cognitive and behavioral neuroscience lab (Cognitive Lab, University of Stavanger), 2021-2023
Chair of the board of Center for gender studies (UiS) 2019-2020
Chair of the UIS Faculty of social sciences´ Doctoral committee 2019-2020
Doctoral degree from University of Tartu (Department of Semiotics), Estonia. Title of PhD thesis (defended December 15th 2011): "Umwelt Transition and Uexküllian Phenomenology. An Ecosemiotic Analysis of Norwegian Wolf Management"
Editor with Kadri Tüür of "The Semiotics of Animal Representations" (Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi 2014), and editor with Guri Larsen and Ragnhild Sollund of the Norwegian HAS anthology "Hvem er villest i landet her?" (Oslo: Spartacus 2013)
Editor-in-Chief of the journal Biosemiotics (published by Springer Nature) July 1st 2013-2020 (Lead EiC 2018-2020). Member of the editorial board 2010-
Guest-editor with Kati Lindström of special issue of Biosemiotics (3(3)), 'Semiotics of Perception' (2010), and with Jonathan Beever and Yogi Hale Hendlin of special issue of Zeitschrift für Semiotik (37 (3/4)), 'Biosemiotic ethics/Biosemiotische Ethik' (2017)
Head of department at University of Stavanger’s Department of Social Studies (2021-2023), until Jan. 5th 2023
Member of Norway´s Council for Animal Ethics (2017-2027) representing animal protection NGOs
Member of Norwegian network "Jakt i endring" (Hunting in change), coordinated by NINA (2017-2020)
Member of the editorial board of "Wonderful World - Den nordiske festivalen for filosofi og vitenskap" (Kåkå, Stavanger, Norway) 2022-2025; member of program council 2025-
Member of the editorial board of Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (Elsevier); Associate editor of TRACE ∴ Finnish Journal for Human-Animal Studies; member of the Associate Editorial Collective of the journal Politics and Animals (Lund University), member of the editorial board of Eikon - Journal on Semiotics and Visual Culture (Universidade da Beira Interior)
Member of The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities" (University of Stavanger) 2022-
Member of the steering committee of NORPART project "Cuban and Nordic welfare" (2019-2023)
Member of the working committee of UHR-Helse og sosial (Universities Norway) Autumn 2022, Deputy member Spring 2022
Member of UiS research program areas "Filosofi og subjektivitet" [Philosophy and subjectivity] 2018-2022 and "The Greenhouse: A Cross-Disciplinary Environmental Humanities Initiative" 2017-2022
Member of UIS steering group for professional study in psychology 2021-2023
Professor in philosophy at University of Stavanger’s Department of Social Studies (100% position, permanent, starting August 1st 2016 (associate professor 2016-2018, professor promotion 7th September 2018))
Project leader for the Norwegian research group of the research project "Animals in Changing Environments: Cultural Mediation and Semiotic Analysis" (EEA Norway Grants EMP 151, 2013-2016)
Substitute member for Norway in the Management Committee of COST Action CA 15134, "Synergy for preventing damaging behaviour in group housed pigs and chickens (GroupHouseNet) (2016-2020)
Vice-Dean of Research at University of Stavanger´s Faculty of Social Sciences (2019-2020)
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