Monday 3 June 2024

Google Scholar: 1.154 citations; 88 so far in 2024

According to Google scholar (cf. my profile) my research has now attracted 1.154 citations (+20 since May 13th). This includes 88 citations in 2024 (+16 since May 13th). My h-index remains 19 and my i10-index 37. 

With 88 citations so far, 2024 is already now in early June my 5th best year in terms of number of citations, after 2022, 2023, 2021 and 2016. The book Semiotic agency: Science beyond mechanism (officially 2021 but in effect published in 2022), which I co-wrote with Alexei Sharov, accounts for 30 of the 2024 citations to date. 

With 6 citations each so far, the commentary "The Evolutionary Origin(s) of the Umwelt" and the article "Recreation in the outdoors—Exploring the friluftsliv experience of adolescents at residential care", co-written with Joakim Jiri Haaland, are formally my most cited publications from 2022. They both currently rank along with other texts as my 49th most-cited texts.

With 33 citations in total, "Phenomenology and biosemiotics" (2018), co-written with Timo Maran and Alexei Sharov, is my most cited editorial.

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