Friday 24 February 2023

Abstract for "Contemporary Umwelt Analysis" conference: “A comprehensive framework for studies of changing Umwelten”

I have composed an abstract for my plenary speech at the conference “Contemporary Umwelt Analysis: Applications for Culture and Ecological Relations” (to be held April 18-19th in Tartu, Estonia). 


Title: “A comprehensive framework for studies of changing Umwelten”  

By Morten Tønnessen   

Using Jakob von Uexküll´s classical Umwelt theory and updated knowledge on how human agency works as a driver of environmental change as starting points, I will present a comprehensive framework for studies of changing human and animal Umwelten. The framework indicates how past Umwelten, contemporary Umwelten, and future Umwelten can be studied by drawing on Umwelt theory accompanied by other relevant fields of study. The framework is comprehensive not only in that it allows for studies of different Umwelt temporalities, and different “layers” of the Umwelt (core – mediated – conceptual), but also by being applicable at different levels of biological organization, and by showing how changes in the Umwelt (outer subjective world) are correlated with changes in the Innenwelt (inner subjective world) and the physical environment. By seeing changes in the Umwelt, the Innenwelt, and the physical environment in context, we can achieve a better understanding of the interplay between semiotic causation and efficient causation in socio-ecological and socio-cultural contexts, and of how human agency can cause environmental problems – and solutions. In the setting of culture, socio-cultural transformations are particularly pertinent. In light of the framework presented here, these can be understood as involving collective Innenwelt transitions that in turn affect how we perceive our Umwelt. As part of my presentation, I will outline how Umwelt theory can serve as the basis of a more-than-human descriptive phenomenology suitable for studies of animal Umwelten and human–animal relations. I will further share some tentative ideas about how Umwelt theory can play a role in phenomenological triangulation, in which 1st, 2nd and 3rd person perspectives are combined (drawing on methodology developed by Jordan Zlatev).   

Bionote: Morten Tønnessen (born 1976) is a Professor of philosophy at University of Stavanger´s Department of social studies, Norway. He has worked with Jakob von Uexküll´s Umwelt theory since his master degree in philosophy (University of Oslo, 2002) and ph.d. thesis in philosophy and semiotics (University of Tartu, 2011).

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