Thursday, 20 January 2011

2010: Work hours; readings

Being the number-prone nerd that I am, I regularly count (and classify) my work hours, and what I read in an academic context.

Work hours
While a normal Norwegian work year is approximately 1650 hours, I worked 2833 hours in 2009 (172%) and a record 3029 hours in 2010 (184% - + 196 hours). In 2010, I classified 67,8% of these work hours as 'Academic work', 12,6% as 'Writing' and 19,7% as 'Other work' , which includes my attempts to commercialize my competence as a philosopher (I will spare you for the details - finer categories).

I took note of reading 8.918 pages in 2009, and 9,392 pages in 2010 (+474), altogether 18.310 pages 2009-10. Readings in the second half of 2010 represented 275 authors ('written by') and 240 thinkers ('written about'). Top ten for the latter:
1. Aristotle
2. Plato
3. Trotskij
4. Augustine
5. Jakob von Uexküll
6. Socrates
7. Kalevi Kull
8. Marx
9. Husserl
10. John Deely

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