Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Talk at Gatherings in Biosemiotics, Prague
Other presenters include Marcello Barbieri, Stephen Pain, Paul Cobley, Myrdene Anderson and many others.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Global Voices: Estonia?
Global Voices is a leading participatory media news room for voices from the developing world. Begun in 2005 as a simple blog hosted at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, Global Voices has grown into a vibrant global community of more than 150 active volunteer authors and translators and more than 20 freelance part- time regional and language editors.
Monday, 23 February 2009
Homepage for zoosemiotics project
The main objectives of the research project are:The first major activity of the project was to arrange the Animal Minds workshop, Feb. 9.-10.
1. reinterpreting and elaborating classical zoosemiotic theory, working with and analyzing T. A. Sebeok’s zoosemiotic library;
2. developing semiotic tools for analyzing sign relationships that extend beyond the limits of culture; practical analysis of sample cases;
3. studying semiotic strategies and evolution of representative forms used for depicting animals in myths, literature and visual culture;
4. including environment in the analysis of communication between humans and animals; regarding changing communicative relationships as an object for zoosemiotic research.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
The nature view held by environmentalists
SESSION: 57 - Cultures, Values and World Perspectives as Factors in Responding to Climate Change.
TIME of my poster presentation: Wednesday, 11 March 2009, 10:45-16:45
A brief ORAL PRESENTATION will take place by the poster at 13:45-13:55.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Academic journals - open access publishing
Another publishing house with an identical name (which published online as well as in print), Academic Journals Inc., is apparently one of the biggest scientific publishers in Asia.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Web stats Utopian Realism
1. Estonia (35 %)
2. USA (17 %)
3. Norway (13 %)
4. Brazil (9 %)
5. Canada (4 %)
6. UK (3 %)
6. Italy (3 %)
8. Netherlands (2 %)
8. Finland (2 %)
10. Denmark (2 %)
The 23 origin countries includes Nepal, India, Iran and Taiwan. Non-western countries (including Brazil and Taiwan) accounts for 11-12 % of visits, North-America for 21-22 %.
9 out of 10 visits are first time visits, hardly 1 out of 10 have returned.
59 different search terms have taken people to the site.
SemioPhenomenon web stats
1. Estonia (68 %)
2. Finland (7 %)
3. USA (5 %)
4. Italy (5 %)
5. Sweden (4 %)
Visits from non-European countries, US excluded, account for only 3 % (even when Russia is included).
Close to 80 % of visits were first-time visits.
Recent visitors have found the site by way of 53 different keyword searches.
While three fourths of visits lasted shorter than 5 minutes, almost one out of five lasted longer than an hour.
AWE has been the most popular exit link.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
David Abram's public lecture online
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Contrapuntuality - Gatherings in biosemiotics 2009, Prague
Friday, 13 February 2009
Estonian media
On February 6th, ERR - Estonian Public broadcasting - published the following news story online: (based on a 3 minute interview that aired on Vikerraadio at noon the same day):
Tartus kohtuvad semiootika koolkonnad
Tartus algas 6. veebruaril semiootikakonverents ,,Fenomenoloogia kohtub semiootikaga''. Kahes töötoas osalevad kokku teadlased 10 riigist, et kahte lähenemist üksteisele ligemale tuua.
Esimeses töötoas keskendutakse maastiku tajumisele ja teises töötoas animaaluse tajumisele ning selle osale inimloomuses.
Konverentsi peakorraldaja Morten Tönnesseni sõnul on taju semiootikute jaoks põnev valdkond. "Taju hõlmab nii keskkonna, teiste inimeste kui ka kõige muu kogemist. Maailma kogemine oleneb suuresti inimese enda hoiakutest või tunnetest,'' rääkis Tönnessen.
Peakorraldaja Tönnessen on ise norralane, kes õpib 2007. aastast Tartu Ülikoolis. Idee konverents just Tartus pidada tuli talle Tartu Ülikooli semiootikaosakonna ajaloolise tausta tõttu. Just seetõttu on Tartusse kohale tulnud ka oma ala eksperdid. Peaesineja on Ameerika kultuuriökoloog David Abram, kes on tuntud oma käsitluste poolest ühendada traditsioonilist fenomenoloogiat ökoloogiliste teemadega.
Tönnessen loodab Tartus kahte koolkonda üksteisele lähemale tuua. "Kokku saavad kaks loodusele keskenduvat mõtteviisi: ameeriklaste ökoloogiline fenomenoloogia ja eestlaste biosemiootika," ütles Tönnessen.
10. veebruarini toimuva ürituse sõnavõtte on lubanud kajastada mainekas semiootika teadusajakiri "Biosemiotics".
Today, Feb. 13th, the first translation of David Abram into Estonian (excerpts from "The Spell of the Sensuous. Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World") appears in Roheline Värav (Green gate) under the headline "Lapsed nägid esimest korda Linnuteed". The publication includes a brief introduction by me. The translation was conducted by Signe Saumaawith help from Ehte Putang, Riin Magnus and Silver Ratassepp.
My introduction reads as follows:
David Abram
Ameerika fenomenoloog ja süvaökoloog, kes on inspireerinud rohelist filosoofiat ja eluviisi kogu maailmas. Innustust saanud Maurice Merleau-Ponty’lt, on ta püüdnud välja töötada radikaalset loodusfilosoofiat, mis jääks truuks kogetava paljususele.
David Abram on kirjutanud nüüdisklassikaks saanud raamatu «The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World» (1996), kust pärineb ka siinne tekst.
David Abram osales Tartu biosemiootikute korraldatud töötubades taju semiootikast ja fenomenoloogiast 6.–10. veebruaril 2009.
Tekst ilmub siin autori heakskiidul, ühtlasi palus David Abram selle pühendada oma sõbrale ja kolleegile Arne Naessile, kes suri 96 aasta vanusena 12. jaanuaril 2009.
Morten Tønnessen
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Most viewed at Scribd ... and web stats
1 (1) The Statistician's Guide to Utopia: The Future of growth 255 (79)
2 (2) Umwelt ethics 166 (78)
3 (4) Historieløst om klima 110 (22)
4 (>5) Hvem har ansvaret for volden? 102 (<10)
4 (-) SemioPhenomenon poster 102 (-)
Latest addition: Steps to a Semiotics of Being (my PPT presentation from the Animal Minds workshop). For a full list of my uploaded documents, see here.
Displays of my web pages, since Dec. 2008:
1. SemioPhenomenon 2,137
2. Utopisk Realisme 241
3. Utopian Realisme 237
Sunday, 8 February 2009
My article "Umwelt Transitions: Uexküll and Environmental Change"
The article will appear in the paper edition to be published in April.